> >CLRW is a 14-bit core architecture-specific instruction mnemonic. > >It is not a legal PIC18 architecture instruction mnemonic. Sorry, my last reply went out prematurely, thought I was off-line CLRW compiles with MPLAB 6.20 to CLRF WREG,0 This is in an 18F452 program. My settings for MPLAB text are such that reserved words are blue, labels, macros etc are purple. CLRW is purple. If you look in the 452 .inc you'll see this #define clrw clrf WREG ; PIC16Cxxx code substitution (WREG is addressable) -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu