Of course, as you know, your choice would be limited by whether you can do low side switching or high side switching in the first place. After that is the availability of good P channel FETs to do high side switching from logic level gate voltages. P channels, typically, have a higher gate capacitance and a higher RDSon for a given Idrain. Ideally, low side switching using a N channel logic level FET serves one best. If that is not an option, you can get FET drivers with built in charge pump and use a N channel FET for high side switching. I would personally use a logic level P channel FET for high side switching as the last option. Madhu >-----Original Message----- >This is mostly unrelated to the previous posts on this thread, but the >question occured to me as I was reading them... > >P-channel vs. N-channel FETS: given the ability of PIC output >ports to drive >either a high or low logic level, to apply to the FET's gate, are there any >design considerations that should dictate choosing one over the other >(that's P vs N- channel)? I'm thinking primarily w.r.t. power-up >conditions, polarities, etc. > >Jim -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.