-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 source= http://www.piclist.com/piclist/2004/01/12/085046a.txt? Hi everyone i have recently got a 16F877 chip to use with my college electronics project and i would like to know where i can get hold of a burner for it, or a circuit diagram so i can build one, also wots the easiest language to program this chip, i have done some programming before but only on smaller chips, and using flowsheets instead of proper code, thanks for youre help chris - ---- Chris, I'm making just the item you need. I need some students at a different institution to try it out. Your professor and I should correspond. 1. Are you pretty comfortable talking with your professor? 2. Do you have another student or two in the class who are of a like mind? 3. Would you be willing to work long hours then write up your thoughts, a real report that could change a project, not this bland & useless "the experiment went mostly OK." 4. Would you be comfortable discussing your work frequently with another professor? 5. Do you want to be part of a bigger project? If all of these answers are "Yes" I wish you would forward this email to your professor and correspond with me. - ----- FACTORS RELATED TO PROSPECTIVE ACADEMIC COLLABORATION I am producing materials for a class titled "Instrument Design" that could carry upper division credit and carry designations for Chemistry (Advanced Instrumental, 2nd semester), Physics (Advanced Instrumental), and Computer Science (microprocessors). A snapshot of the current status of this effort may be seen in http://www.jump.net/~vima/PIC This is currently informal, like a log book and a desk top, and it is not yet a coherent report or release document. I have touched on some thoughts relevant to the professor's side of the desk today and yesterday in postings to the PICLIST, which your student Chris can make available to you. Those postings lead to specific CAD files to make the PCB, and some photographs, at the above referenced URL. I also have a suggested syllabus for my lab. This version of the syllabus is ambiguous in target between a standard semester course, or a series of weekend seminars for ex-university consumption. It is on page 8 of the PDF file located at http://www.jump.net/~vima/job/job_statements_generic_2003.pdf This syllabus is only a starting point for discussion, as it clearly is overly ambitious and a bit "edgy." I cannot introduce this to my class this spring, so I would like to put this project in front of 2 or 3 motivated or advanced students who are not my own and see how it goes. - ---- RECOMMENDATIONS FOR INDEPENDENT STUDY FIRMWARE PROJECT The syllabus would be restricted in scope and adapted to your course needs, however I want to keep the "design goal and signoff," "notebook" and "submit revised design to board house" elements intact. I get scanned color copies of the notebook, and Chris's permission to publish them. The student would do a substantial amount of your originally conceived project. The communications project in the example syllabus would be changed to a PIC programmer project. The final project CAD files would be delivered as 2 circuit boards, the controller board and the project board. The board house can panelize these and deliver 1 board, if desired. Chris would write the firmware to program a PIC 16F877 (or other processor of choice). Existing 16F877 programmer firmware hosted on a Motorola 68HC11 will be provided in the Oberon language, the member of the Algol family located after Modula-2 and before Component Pascal. The Oberon programmer firmware is working and mature. A compiler exists for the 68HC11 processor (MS thesis, ETH, Zurich). No compiler is known for this language on the PIC processors, but this source was written with a view of hand compiling to a different target. - ---- ADMINISTRATION I would follow the syllabus idea of giving Chris an existing board at the beginning of the class, and having him produce a revised board at the end of class. I receive a permission letter to use his revisions, he receives a permission letter to use the revised design, contingent on submitting the report and passing your course. I get rights to the PIC assembly programmer source. He keeps his choice of the revised board or the first board, you keep the other. There is a choice of boards available: 1. Free, as is. The Sept. 9, 2003 Controller board prototype. The EAGLE CAD files for that board are at the above URL in the zip file with the relevant date. That board is on the right of the photo at http://www.jump.net/~vima/PIC/Controller/controller_09_09_2003.jpg This board has the bit assignments between PortD and the LEDs scrambled. The "lift & jumper" 74HC373 in the photograph corrects the problem without cutting traces. The sockets on the Rev 2 board are second hand as-available parts. This board is known to work with the lift & jumper part. 2. Assembled, working. The Nov. 11, 2003 Controller board. I ship my working current prototype. You pay $50. I lose 2-3 weeks. These EAGLE files are at http://www.jump.net/~vima/PIC/mcintosh_to_olimex_20031108.zip on the web. 3. Next prototype, availability in 2-3 weeks. Tentative designation Jan. 15, 2004 Controller board. Revised from Nov. 11, 2003 board. Bare board $20. The next CAD file is ready to send. There are a small number of mechanical placement issues that have changed, including a change from a 2 row socket to a 1 row socket, and rotating the oscillator so the lettering aligns with the silk screen. I may / can still make changes due to ICSP issues. 4. Make your own board from my files. Royalties waived under collaboration. - ---- FUNDING Will a couple of people make a donation to Chris's college? Does Chris' professor have any curriculum development funding? - --- Aubrey McIntosh http://www.piclist.com/member/AM-vima-Y84 PIC/PICList FAQ: http://www.piclist.com -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for non-commercial use iQA/AwUBQAM4gQKlSw8yssF7EQJoBQCfXR2rY0oHbZDt4zPTHTEDJKYwyjMAoL1E wQ6YkCYKRBtwko3OkYkDrNKV =iiRM -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads