Thanks: I was wondering about calling for an AVR on the PIClist! =20 Anyway, I was looking at the 16F628A for this project - think I will look= that way again. I don't want to go the bit-bang route, although the 18F= 452 can certainly handle it. That would add more complexity to the code t= han I want, at this point, as I am expecting to have to add a LOT of stuf= f to the main 18F program after the simple demo board is working. If the = secondary serial port, which runs at a different baud-rate than the main = port, is done in off-chip hardware the 18F's program space and resources = are mostly free for the taking. Roy J. Gromlich Wouter Van Ooijen wrote : > > Me, I'd use a small AVR with uart, get buffer ram and more > > smarts for free, and byte-wide or SPI comms, or anything else I want.= . >=20 > Surely you mean a 16F628A? :) >=20 > Or be brave an use a 16F629 with bit-banged serial communication. >=20 > Wouter van Ooijen >=20 ___________________________________ NOCC, -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads