At 10:34 PM 1/11/04 +0100, you wrote: >Just another few comments... >What "madness" ? Just a colloquialism. >The basics about relocatable code, right ? Or some other "basics" ? All of it. >B.t.w, Tom, what are *your* experienses from Olins environment ? >How much work was it to set up *your* first project ? Any major >show stopper ? I've looked at it but haven't used it. I don't yet have the problems that it solves. I've used relocatable code on one project last year. It went ok, I learned a lot. But... I'm not a professional coder. Nothing I ever write is likely to end up in a customers hands. Or be mass produced. I write code for either fun or for engineering test fixtures. Last week, I needed to blink an IR LED at a particular frequency and at a particular duty cycle. 20 lines in a '675 chip did the job - in absolute mode. In half an hour. >As I said before, *my* experienses is that it gave me a real >jump-start into relocatble code and otherwise good programming >standards... Different strokes for different folks! >Best Regards >Jan-Erik. Same! Tom -- hint: To leave the PICList