Hello, I am using a TI MAX3221 RS232 driver IC with my 16F877A based datalogger circuit and am having trouble getting the 3221 supply cleaned up. It is powered from a PIC pin and when it is turned on there is a nasty 1V ripple at about 20kHz on the driver's Vcc pin that appears to coincide with the switching waveform on C1 and C2 of the charge pump. I suppose this is from the chip drawing a quick bit of current to charge the caps. But I already tried replacing the bypass cap on the IC with another .1uF (the recommended value) in case I burned the first one when I installed it (it is an SMD board) and then with a 1uF and the problem is still there although a little reduced. The V+ and V- outputs from the charge pump look fine. The main problem is that the !INVALID output from the IC that tells if an external RS232 device is plugged in has the same ripple as the Vcc pin. My PIC code checks this output to see if it should have the USART enabled and stay awake to wait for Serial Rx interrupt or shut down the USART and go to sleep but due to the noise it very occasionally powers down the USART while just sitting idle and consistently does so whenever a character is received. I created a catch loop in my code that shuts off some LEDs and halts the program so I know exactly where the powerdown is occurring and it can only be executed if the !INVALID pin is sampled low. So I am about 99% confident that this noise is to blame. The MAX3221 is powered from RC5 of the 16F877A via a short (~2cm) .010" pcb trace and the bypass cap is an 0402 1uF (was 0402 0.1uF). Any ideas? I do have a pad for RC4 (currently unused) right next to a pad for the problematic pin. I could parallel the two pins with a short jumper wire to reduce the output impedance by around half and this should help, but it seems there should be a better solution that should make that unnecessary. Opinions? Thanks, Nick -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics