Hello everyone, I4m using Timer1 with a 32,768Khz cristal for waking up an 16F628 every 15 seconds. Everything works fine, TILL CRISTAL STOPS OSCILLATING !!! I4ve put two 27pf caps to ground on each pin of cristal, but it ussually stops oscillating after a few minutes. If I put the scope probe on T1OSO or T1OSI, it starts oscillating again. For solving this problem, have put a 4,7Mohm R in parallel with cristal. Have changed it up to 10Mohm, but what only did, is change time till it stops running. Also changed cap values, used other cristals, and other 16F6284s !!!!!!!!!!! Does anyne know how should I fix this ?????? Thanks in advance, Gabriel.- -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics