Tony, I did something similar about 14 years ago using a line transmitter to send the data over the powerlines. It worked with any remote, and you could use several senders. Too bad I didn't have the knowhow to sell it, as at the time I was not able to buy anything to suit my needs........ Anyhow I just used an IR modoule connected directly to the transmitter (operating in the hundreds of kHz range). There is no reason why a similar system would not work using a radio setup. Just make sure that each sender unit only transmits during the IR data & all should be well. If it works out, feel free to share the details :) BTW have you checked out the powermid range of remote transmitters? If I am not mistaken they have an IR repeater. If you can buy extra senders it might save you the time. Joe -----Original Message----- From: pic microcontroller discussion list [mailto:PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU]On Behalf Of Tony K|bek Sent: 08 January 2004 15:36 To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: [EE:] Building an rf-ir extender Hi, in my home A/V system I need an ir extender, I know there are some available however none of the ones I like seems to be found in my country. And also I would like to have several receviers (one in each room) to be able to transmit one single 'base'. I was looking into using rf transmitter coupled with an ir module on the receving side (tuned to 38khz). I was planning to simple feed to output of the ir module into the transmitter without caring about protocols and checksums as I belive the ir transmitters will re-transmit as long as the button is pressed. On the recevier side I was planning to use an rf recevier coupled with an 38 khz modulator and ir diode on the output. Nothing fancy, Could this scheme work ? or have I over simplified it ? Or are there anything else I should think of ? ideally I really would love to have an learnable rf remote that I could use all over my house, just imagine one single remote :) (yes I know these also exists but they are both expensive and unavailable in sweden). Come to think about it, I wonder why there hasen't been any standardisation with remotes, like in an speficic protocol for *all* dvd players, only differenciated by an id that the user could set to match his other equipment. I've bought several 'programmable' senders and none have managed to control all of my euqipment, it seems like they are 'inventing' new protocols/units/brands fasters than anyone can create the decoder table for them. /Tony -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See