Bill Couture wrote : > It's actually about 300us out of the 500us between TMR1 > interrupts. > And, yes, it does have to be done in the interrupt. > As noted elsewhere, I could use the TMR1IF flag to poll > when the PID loop needs to execute, but I found that the > resultant jitter could be seen (and heard!) in the > mechanical system. Note that it isn't a choice between doing *everything* in the ISR and doing *nothing* in the ISR (with regard to the TMR1 iterrupt). Let the TMR1IF generate an interrupt (as now). Then in the ISR just set your own "PID-flag" saying that your PID routine has to be run now (or rather "soon"). Then leave the ISR and let your main-loop detect your PID-flag and run the PID code. During that time, you are able to service other interrupts like the UART receive interrupt. Make sure that you make *that* ISR code as short as possible also (just saving the received byte) so you don't hold up your PID calculations unnecessarily. When your PID code is finished, your mail-loop will detect that there was a byte recevied (through a similiar user-defined "byte-received-flag"), and your main code can go on processing *that* task (and still be able to response to other interrupts). As have been said many time before, running tasks *inside* an ISR, doen't give your PIC more processing cycles to use, it just prevents the PIC from responding to *other* interrupts during that time... Use the interrupt sub-system to just *detect* that something some to be done, then let your main code do the actual processing. You'll get a much smoother flow in your application and less chance to "miss" an event. Best Regards Jan-Erik. -- hint: To leave the PICList