I heard a comedian once say.... "Cars saved by Car Alarms......ZERO!" So now when my wife and I hear one we always say..."ZERO!" I like the idea of the car disabling later when the car is actually = moving. Maybe the car needs to shock them after they get moving? Set off = the airbag? That will get your attention! =20 My current method is to have a car nobody really cares about....I drive a = Subaru station wagon! Not to many people around here even know what a = Subaru is!! Some guys at an auto parts store actually laughed at me when = I asked them for a part!!! Said they didn't do "foreign cars"....the = parking lot had 5 cars....3 of them where foreign!! Tim >>> mcginnis@E-VISIONS.COM 12/30/03 05:49PM >>> My two cents worth..... In the time you take to respond to the alarm, they're in and out, so is an alarm really going to prevent anything? Maybe kids would be deterred, but someone who want's your stuff bad enough, no alarm is going to stop them. Here in Honolulu, alarms go off all the time. Garbage trucks set them off, cars that go boom set them off, imports with the loud unmufflers set them off. It happens soooo often, no one here seems to care. Actually, they = seem to be pissed that the alarms are always going off. I liked someone's idea of the flamethrower anti-theft device. Perhaps propelling a 16F84 at the intruder at a high speed, pin end first might make an impact..... Howard -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details. -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body