Well...the details are.... PIC port B driving the gate of the 2VN2222, with a 10K pull down. Getting a logic hi when it drives, so I'm sure the PIC is doing its thing right. The CD player is a button, assuming that one side is pulled up and the other is pulling to ground (did find a low impedance path to ground on one side). If I short the two wires together, then it works fine, so no problem on the wiring to the switch. Perhaps the problem lies in the Vgs? I have 5V driving the gate, but maybe if the source voltage is wrong, then it might not be working right? I've swapped drain/source also to the switch, and verified that I have that right (in one case it oscillates, the other case nothing happens) --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Find out what made the Top Yahoo! Searches of 2003 -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body