Ahhh...so doing edge-triggered switching with the mechanical RPG is not so highly recommended, eh? I guess I could capture on the edge, then wait in my interrupt handler until the signal goes high again for a little while. That wouldn't kill me; nothing in this system has a high response speed requirement. It's just so much easier to use the external INT interrupt to catch an edge... Mike H. >The switches have a maximum bounce time. Using a large >capacitor at their output smoothes for this length of time, but >then creates a "tail" which slows down response and makes >the analog voltage that you don't want. The solution is to >go back to the smaller capacitor recommended in the >data sheet, and to sample the inputs at an interval greater >than the bounce time, but no longer than necessary to skip >the bounce. Possibly a periodic interrupt from a timer, or >just waiting for a minimum delay time after reading the >port pin before reading it again. If each read is separated >from the one before and after it by a minimum time >interval, any change detected must be real. > >John Power _________________________________________________________________ Get dial-up Internet access now with our best offer: 6 months @$9.95/month! http://join.msn.com/?page=dept/dialup -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu