Digikey sells mechanical RPGs (PN P10859-ND) that I'm playing with as a user input device. The data sheet suggests pulling the two NO pins high through 10k, and then to ground through 10k in series with a .1uF cap. I'm finding that by doing so, I'm getting a lot of bounce, causing two edges at once every, say, 5-10 encoder ticks. If I boost the cap to 10 uF, that kills the bounce, but then I end up with a horrible RC decay. It's not so bad that it keeps the RPG from working correctly, but I'm worried about constantly having PIC pins at analog voltages for a few ms at a time, since that puts the CMOS drivers in that active range where current flows (datasheet does recommend against that, but doesn't say much else). Does anyone have any sage advice on using this little guy, other than "Buy an optical encoder!"? Mike H. _________________________________________________________________ Check your PC for viruses with the FREE McAfee online computer scan. http://clinic.mcafee.com/clinic/ibuy/campaign.asp?cid=3963 -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu