Rumors of the death of Roman Black have proven to be greatly exaggerated! All those who subscribed to this journal prior to March of this past year will remember that Roman Black is the genius TV repair guru, biker engineer who has shared any number of inspired designs including the LiniStepper (a part of each sale kindly donated to the web site based on this list) and other gems; Just a few listed here from - NEW 90% efficient 2-tran SMPS 5v "Black regulator"!! - EE-Draw! - Software to draw electrical circuits with text! - DC Motor Encoder - mega cheap - measures motor speed - BTc PICsound One-bit sound recording/playback on a PIC - $10 Eprom Eraser - simple 4watt fluoro tube driver - Self (power) switch a PIC or other micro - Magic One-second timer algorithm for PIC - 2-Speed clock for PIC or other micro - Easy cheap small robot chassis! - Hippyware License Not to mention literally thousands of posts with answers, advice and encouragement for list members in need. =%25roman%25&tgt=_top Many worried emails were exchanged when Roman fell silent on the list in April and was not heard from again except for occasional shipments of LiniStepper kits. Much like Willy Wanka, the chocolate factory was closed and only supplied and products flowed in or out. But fear not! For I have just heard from the man himself! He has taken some time off for further education, long term planning, and new product development. To accommodate this, his personal "chat" time with list members had to be put aside, but he has indicated that he misses it and hopes to return. I'm sure we can understand and commiserate... ...AND I'M SURE EVERYONE WILL BE VERY CAREFULL TO PROPERLY TAG ALL POSTS SO THAT VALUABLE, PROFESSIONAL, AND GENEROUS HELP FROM PEOPLE LIKE ROMAN WILL NOT BE DRIVEN AWAY BY "NOISE" POSTED UNDER THE [PIC:] TOPIC! Please read this: if this doesn't make sense to you. This list works because people post answers and share experience. And if the people who HAVE answers and experience are too busy filtering through junk to find the actual questions... See? You knew this was going somewhere didn't you? New Years resolution for the PICList: Change the topic tag when the thread wanders away from the original topic. Have respect for the people who help. BE the people who help. --- James Newton, webhost (former Admin #3) 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767 PIC/PICList FAQ: or .org -- hint: To leave the PICList