Last night I was working on the PIC-EL board ( and rather suddenly I could no longer program the PIC. Now, I had been soldering/desoldering and generally mangling things, so I suspected perhaps I got something unglued. In poking around, I burned myself on the regulator. OK, this experiment I've run before. 7805's will valiantly try to pump out 5 volts into a direct short, getting astonishingly hot in the process, but the programming LED would still light, so I had some 5 volts there. More poking around and I realized the PIC was getting pretty hot, too. Pulled out the PIC, board draws reasonable current and nothing gets hot. Well, maybe I somehow dislodged the short. Put the PIC back in, everything still gets hot. Put the scope on the crystal lines, and no oscillation. OK, pull the PIC back out, check the voltages at each pin, they all make sense. Put the scope on each pin, too, in case something else on the board is oscillating, but they all draw straight lines. In desparation, I plug in another PIC, everything works just dandy. Put the old one back in and nothing but heat. I've abused a lot of PICs, many much worse than this one, and was never able to damage one. Not sure what happened to this one, but now it's able to draw a bunch of current and get quite toasty in the process. Quite a surprise. One more for the experience log, and very glad that the parts drawer is relatively deep in PICs. 72/73 de WB8RCR didileydadidah QRP-L #1446 Code Warriors #35 -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads