This is slightly off topic to the thread, but a few years ago, I recognized that putting together the artwork for a reasonable dial was a major pain with most of the common graphics software. I put together a little Windows program for drawing dials, which, of course, was immediately followed by the Linux guys whining "where's mine?" So, I did a platform-independent command line version. I quickly realized that what *I* wanted was to do a whole panel, so I upgraded the command line version to do just that. There are a few new features I'd like to add, but it's been pretty decent to produce a number of panels. (My approach is the inkjet on the back side of transparency film ... maybe not as professional as it could be, but it works for my purposes). Anyway, the software is available free on my QSLmaker site, The Panel stuff is hidden at the bottom of the navbar. Source for the command line versions is included. Although you can run the panel program on Windows, it is not the least little bit friendly to Windows users. It's a command line program, and it expects either a PostScript printer or Ghostscript. Ghostscript is a pain to install on Windows, but it comes by default on most Linux distros. If you're a purely point and click Windows user, don't bother, you're not going to like it very much. But if you're from the "I don't need no stinkin' GUI" school, it's a quick and easy path to a decent panel. 72/73 de WB8RCR didileydadidah QRP-L #1446 Code Warriors #35 -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body