> Perhaps someone can be found to create complete products (build > and cased)? I am currently researching the options for providing a kit. However, this might take a while so it might not be good to hold your breath! :) > I am hesitating trying to solder a 100-pin fpga... What 100pin FPGA? The part is a 44pin CPLD in PLCC packaging. The socket for it is through hole on 0.1" centers, doesn't get much easier then that! :) I used 30 gauge wire wrap wire from Ratshack, for the record. TTYL ---------------------------------- Herbert's PIC Stuff: http://repatch.dyndns.org:8383/pic_stuff/ -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu