Just a couple of shots in the dark. Although the HD44780 has become a sort of standard, some driver ICs do differ slightly In a couple of cases using LCDs with the MSM6222 I've needed to slow down the rise time of E with a few hundred pF to ground - then it miraculously comes to life. Apparently the orientation of the E wire and PCB traces can cause EM induction problems The other thing to look at would be timing. The HD44780 has a nominal Busy timeout for most instructions of 40us and a 6us period after Busy is released when RAM can't be read/written. Other controllers have different figures for this. For example they may still be working on internal register updating during the Busy period and so not have a 6us post-Busy timeout Also take a look at the time for particular operations. eg the HD44780 is around 600Hz (~1.7ms) for a repeated "display clear" instruction, for the MSM6222 it's only 80Hz (~13ms). Not that you'd be repeatedly clearing the display but the timing differences could also apply to other parameters -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.