Hi I am working in a project which a pic communicates to a PC throught serial. I made a cable which connects to the parallel port and the serial port at the same time, but with different pins, the only common one is the ground. With the parallel port I program the pic, and with the serial I perform the communications. Sometimes, when I insert or removee the cable from the pic board, the pic resets itself. I think it is a problem of voltage difference in the ground pin, or even, one pins touches another one. But the strange thing is that sometimes this reset seems to doesn't complete, when this thing happens the pic doen't seems to be in loop, nothing happens and nothing works, until I disconnect the power and reconect again, or perform a reset on the reset pin. I am working with Hi-Tech compiler and using 16F877 pic. If anyone has any idea, please feel free to tell. Thanks, Rodrigo -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu