Answers below: At 12:50 AM 10/26/2003, you wrote: >;***************************************** > IFNDEF _DLYMACRO_INC >#DEFINE _DLYMACRO_INC > > INCLUDE "" > >DLY_10ms macro > >; Delay = 0.01 seconds >; Clock frequency = 4 MHz > >; Actual delay = 0.01 seconds = 10000 cycles >; Error = 0 % > > >FIXED_REGISTERS UDATA > local d1, d2 >d1 res 1 >d2 res 1 > > CODE >Delay_10ms > ;9993 cycles > movlw 0xCE > BANKSEL d1 > movwf d1 > movlw 0x08 > movwf d2 > >Delay_0 > decfsz d1, f > goto $+2 > decfsz d2, f > goto Delay_0 > > ;3 cycles > goto $+1 > nop > > ;4 cycles (including call) > BANKSEL 0 > return > > endm > > ENDIF >;********************************* > >it assembles with MPASM and it isn't any different than the psuedo code i >put in my >original post. > >1) is BANKSEL 0 as opposed to BANKSEL varname_in_bank0 acceptable? Yes. MPASM assumes '0' to be in the default radix and will generate the proper code. It will generate movlw 0 movwf PCLATH >2) what code does the psuedo-mnemonic "BANKSEL var" generate? > a) bcf STATUS, RP0 ?? > > -or- > > b) movf FSR, bank2var > movwf INDF No. It has nothing to do with FSR, only PCLATH. It generates: movlw bank2var movwf PCLATH HOWEVER, If you are using any MPLAB before 5.4, MPASM sometimes makes an error in its generation of BANKSEL. I therefore long ago replaced BANKSEL with my own MACRO, which never made an error after the change. Finally, since BANKSEL is actually a 2-line macro substitution, your code will NOT work properly if you use any skip instructions with it, such as: BANKSEL bank1var btfsc STATUS,C BANKSEL bank2var etc etc --Bob -------------- Bob Axtell PIC Hardware & Firmware Dev Tucson, AZ 1-520-219-2363 "I lose some on each sale but make it up in volume." -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.