On Sat, 25 Oct 2003 20:19:35 -0400, M. Adam Davis wrote: >...< It is so interesting that the French are so protective of their language > that they have a ministry of language. I can't fault them for wanting > to have a 'pure' language (as pure as a language can be that descends > from other languages). That's the daft part of it - Indo-European languages are all related and all have bits they've borrowed from each other, and from Latin and Greek. It's ridiculous to try to "purify" any of them! > Just a different culture, I guess. But then, I live on Rue Willette > Blvd. How many ways can you say 'road' or 'street' in 'english'? Well I have to use two of them just to give the name of my road: "Park Street Lane". (If any burglars or weirdos are reading this, I'm only joking, I live in the High Street! :-) We don't tend to use "Boulevard" or "Parkway" in England, but off the top of my head I can think of these: Road, Street, Lane, Avenue, Crescent, Close, Way, Drive, Gardens, Hill, Wood, Circus, Park (Hmmm... so I have to use *three* of them to give the name of my road! :-) Cheers, Howard Winter -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.