Thanks for all the replies. I'm sorry I haven't made myself clear. I'm more interested in what package you use to create your graphics as to how to produce one off labels. I plan to build multiple units and will have panel labels made. Is there a graphics package designed towards making panel layouts? If I use Corel to import the autocad dxf, is there some graphics library out there for it that would have graduated potentiometer graphics and the like? Thanks again, FJ ============================================== There are a number of ways to accomplish panel graphics, and it is hard to make them look professional. I print them in AutoCad in color, and buy some laminating self-adhesive vinyl sheets at an art store and laminate them to the control panel. This works OK for one-off instruments for the lab, but it isn;t really professional enough IMHO for a customer. Cut them out with a razor knife. For pro work you could probably go to a sign shop and have something made that looks professional. It will cost unless you are doing a lot of them. There are a number of self-laminating sheets you can put in your printer as well, I like the vinyl on top though for cleanability. -- Lawrence Lile ============================================== Hi, I need to draw some panel graphics. I have drawn them in Autocad to cut out with a CNC router. I would like to import that into a program and draw the graphics to have panel labels made. I'm curious what is the best solution for this? For example, I've got to draw the circular 0-10 around some pots. Also, what format does it need to be submitted in. Thanks for your help. Thanks, FJ _________________________________________________________________ Concerned that messages may bounce because your Hotmail account has exceeded its 2MB storage limit? Get Hotmail Extra Storage! -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See