Being as how it's for a job in development it was re-programmed many times after that. As far as "not having a MCLR line to reset the chip", I don't think it works that way. My guess is that when the mclr line gets yanked up to +12volts by the programmer, it puts the chip into programming mode no matter what. But that's just my guess.... At 04:08 PM 10/8/2003 +0200, you wrote: >Hi - > >What happens if you try to re-program it now, using the ICD2? The first >time you program it, it would still have a MCLR, so it should work, but >after that it doesn't have one anymore... > >These parts have a new programming spec where you are supposed to turn >on the programming voltage (Vpp) before powering the chip (Vdd). I'm >guessing this is to get around the potential problem of not having a >MCLR line to reset the chip. I imagine that the PICKIT and probably the >PICStart are using this method. But since the ICD 2 doesn't >(necessarily) have control over Vdd, I don't see how it can use this method. > >So, before I render my chip no longer programmable - has anyone been >able to re-program a part, whose MCLR has been set to internal, using >the ICD 2? > >