Re: ascii picture. I have ascertained that there are no tab characters in that message, and that it looks good on several mail readers (including Nestcape's and Opera's and Kmail and such as well as pine and TkMail). There seems to be yet another optimisation in the Allesschluck (read: Outlook) editor/viewer, adding tabs where it thinks there should be tabs. To prove a point I add a small ascii art below, using only spaces for alignment. It should look good and you should be able to tell how many spaces turn into tabs on your viewer: * / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ *-----------* You should see a triangle made of minuses, slashes, and backslashes, with a star at each corner. If you don't change your font/view settings until you do. This should help with viewing ascii art. This email was sent using pine and is guaranteed to be tab-less ;-) good luck, Peter PS: I got a new cell phone and I manages to crash the mobile exploder in it in the very first 10 minutes online, by accessing one of the official info site of the cell provider. I wonder what about virii. Aiee. Sorry for the long post. -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See