Hi Lucian, I have had a similar experience using a JDM programmer and the 16F628, sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't. I checked around for answers and did variouse mods to the JDM programmer but to no avail. In addition to the programming problem I found that my 16F628 chips were failing for no apparant reason (other than programming them using the JDM programmer?). I think that one of the problems is the ability of the 16F628 to run a program with no external clock and no reset i/p, this means that the 16F628 will sometimes try to run a program in the programmer with unpredictable results. Better programmers have full control over all the pins required for programming, a simple programmer like the JDM has limited control of these signals. I have used the same setup with many of the older PIC chips with no problems. I think that the additional features of the 16F628 make it unsuitable for use with this type of programmer so I am using my stock of older PICs until I decide on a better programmer to buy. --- John > Hi all, > > I'm a beginner using Microchip PIC's and I have a problem with one > design I'm working with. > I have a JDM programmer and I use ICProg and PonyProg to program my > chips (now using PIC16F628). > The problem is that sometimes ICProg will give me error on the simplest -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.