Wonder if anyone has any ideas about this - I'm using an MC35 and last night was playing around with web2txt. I got an 18F452 to send an email via the MC35 to my Clear account, which was pretty cool to see. The intention, in the final product, is for the MC35 to email or SMS the user. Then I tried txt2web from a cellphone. The email came into Clear OK (number smudged) ----- Original Message ----- From: "642104-----" <642104-----@sms.vodafone.net.nz> To: Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 9:58 PM Subject: From: 642104----- > email test but when I replied (just to see what would happen) got this back ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <642104-----@sms.vodafone.net.nz> (reason: 550 642104-----... User unknown) Ahh, so that's what happens !! Being a complete newbie to modern phone systems, I have no idea whether it's possible to email a cellphone, or more importantly, if it's possible to email the MC35 (or similar) device. SMS is fine but the capability to do two-way email would be absolutely spiffing TIA -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.