What language/tool ? What PIC type ? What is this "GOTO" and "DEFINE" ? Doesn't look as MPASM !? What is "asm" and "endasm" ? Why is only the retfie instruction starting in pos 1 ? Why restore w, status and pclath if you don't save them ? Jan-Erik -----Original Message----- From: David Dunn [mailto:ddunn@TCAINTERNET.COM] Sent: den 26 september 2003 22:02 To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: [PIC]: Interrupts I'm at wits end here, for some reason my ISR doesn't seem to be working. I'm monitoring '_TENTHS' in the main program loop and it's not incrementing. Have I missed something obvious ? What kinds of things would keep the TIMER0 interrupt from running ? Thanks for any ideas. DLD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wsave var BYTE $020 SYSTEM wsave1 var BYTE $0a0 SYSTEM wsave2 var BYTE $120 SYSTEM wsave3 var BYTE $1a0 SYSTEM ssave var BYTE BANK0 SYSTEM psave var BYTE BANK0 SYSTEM GOTO AFTERINT 'Jump past interrupt handler DEFINE INTHAND isr asm isr ; int handler begins here ;bsf portb,7 btfsc INTCON,1 ; test if external interrupt (portb.0) occurred goto portbint ; jump over to (portb.0) int handler. otherwise, just fall thru to TIMER0 handler timer0int movlw 0x9e ;reload timer with (256 - (1)200) + 2 (3a for .1, 9e for .05) movwf TMR0 incf _TENTHS ;increase TENTHS value bcf INTCON,2 ;clear tmr0 interrupt flag goto exitisr portbint movf TMR1H,W ;read value on timer1 movwf _TMR1HI ;store it in some variable movf TMR1L,W movwf _TMR1LO clrf TMR1L ;load timer1 with zero again clrf TMR1H bcf INTCON,1 ;clear rb0 interrupt flag exitisr ;restorecode follows here movf psave,w movwf PCLATH swapf ssave,w movwf STATUS swapf wsave,f swapf wsave,w retfie endasm AFTERINT: ' set up timer0 TMR0 = 0 INTCON = %00000000 OPTION_REG = %11000111 INTCON = %10100000 -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.