Let me step back from this specific project for a minute and explain what my long-term goal is with PIC microcontrollers. When I was a kid I was really impressed by moving message signs, whether they used LEDs, light bulbs, mechanical displays, etc. A dream of mine, as a child, was to figure out how to build one myself. Specifically, I wanted to design and build a scrolling message sign using a display made up of LEDs that displayed characters that were 5 LEDs wide and 7 LEDs high. I even mapped out the characters for upper and lower case letters and numbers on graph paper. A few months ago I found out about PIC microcontrollers and figured using them would be an easy way to build one of those LED signs. I know there is a whole range of PIC chips to choose from. As a personal challenge, I would like to use the cheapest and smallest chip practical. I am currently doing all my experimentation on a 16F628. It's cheap, easy to program, has enough memory for my needs so far, and has a fairly low pin-count and footprint. So, a big question I have now is, how many individual LEDs can you multiplex so that the display is bright enough? What is the minimum number of components needed to drive 100's multiplexed LEDs? I would like to design an 8x1 character display to start with. For 5x7 characters, I would need ((5 + 1) * 8 - 1) * 7 = 329 LEDs, or 47 columns of 7 LEDs each . Can I use 5 4017 chips chained end to end to count from 1 to 50 to select the columns and light a whole column at a time or light each LED in each column in turn? As you can see, I have a lot of questions and not many answers. I am just hoping I don't need 47 8-bit parallel-in / parallel-out shift registers or something crazy like that. So, back to the topic of this message thread. Multiplexing the segments in 4 7-segment displays helps me solve two problems. First of all, I need a 4-digit counter displayed on 7-segment displays. Secondly, if I can multiplex 28 LED segments and have a bright-enough display, this is a good start towards multiplexing 47 columns of LEDs. I hope this is making more sense. Now that I have revealed what I am really trying to accomplish, does anyone have anything to comment on scrolling message signs? Does anyone know how the real ones work and how much circuitry they actually use? Thanks, -Pat > > I've already talked about two issues above: eliminate high power > > drivers or drive the segments even harder if you use high power > > drivers. Others include maintaining equal segment brightness, > > lowering the individual LED duty cycle, and reducing component > > count. > > I see how that can be used to overcome the drive power limitations of > a PIC I/O pin. What I don't see is how this really gains us anything. > To get a certain amount of brightness out of the display it's going to > take a certain amount of "average" input power to the display > regardless of whether we turn on one segment at a time, or all the lit > segments in each display digit (or for that matter all the segments of > all displays at once) . Is the idea here to not exceed some total > output limitation of the PIC? (i.e. even though each PIN is capable of > 25mA, we can't drive seven pins at 25mA simultaneously obtaining 175mA > output). What am I not understanding here? -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu