I took a quick look at the article and it looks like it will help with my project. Thanks! As far as the number of pins, I'm not concerned. I expect to use all 8 pins on PORTB for the 7-segment display. I don't mind wasting the eighth pin (I am not using the decimal point) because it makes it easier to code. I will use RA0-RA3 to drive the transistors for each LED display. Since I am using the internal RC osciallator, that that will free up two PORTA pins. I will use RA5 and RA6 for the Up and Down buttons. I will use a resistor to Vcc and a NO switch to Vss on /MCLR. That leaves Vss and Vcc. If I am counting correctly, that is 17 pins, leaving RA4 unused. This is perfect for my needs. > Hi Pat, > This article uses PICBASIC PRO to achieve what you want, but the hardware > issues are beautifully explained. > http://www.melabs.com/resources/articles/ledart.htm > Referring to this article, I could design a 4 digit multiplexed display in > my last project successfully. > Also consider the fact that your display is going to take up 11 pins on > the 16F628; is that acceptable? You might want to use a larger PIC. > Hope this helps. > Regards, > Anand Dhuru. -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body