This is a part that became popular because when saturated (switched on completely) the transistor has a very LOW saturation voltage. This means that it can sink more current without getting as warm as other components. See if you can find a PN2222, its a TO92 version of the 2N2222, which is a TO18. But unless you are sinking 150ma+, anything will work, i.e. PN4401, many others. --Bob At 11:41 AM 9/3/2003 -0700, you wrote: >What commonly available transistor can I use in place of a 2n222? > >Thanks > >John > >-- > hint: To leave the PICList > -------------- Bob Axtell PIC Hardware & Firmware Dev Tucson, AZ 1-512-219-2363 "I lose some on each sale but make it up in volume." -- hint: To leave the PICList