I'm toying with the idea of entering their competition via Circuit Cellar. On registering on their info/tutorial site the computer generated password - was to say the least smutty (which appeals to my sense of humour) derisory or downright vulgar depending on ones sensibilities. So as I don't upset anyone I'll leave the PW for you to decipher. Take a comment about a male teenager's facial hair accomplishment and associate it with a slang term for another part of the male anatomy and you have it. I'm going to be in councilling, therapy for at least 3 years . I wonder if I could sue them for distress caused? Colin -- cdb, cdb@barnard.name on 31/03/2002 -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu