Am Sonntag, 17. August 2003 19:25 schrieben Sie: > I'm still trying to learn this. I have had my PICall programmer for a y= ear > now and still have not tried to program a thing. Just watching this lis= t > and trying to pick up things. I just have not taken the leap yet. I lik= e to > know what I'm doing before I do it. > It would be nice if there was a program that would ask question and y= ou > just plugged in the answer. What is the Osc. Freq? Than you plug in Fre= q. > How many inputs? You plug that in. How many outputs? You plug that in. = So > forth and so forth. I'm a Tech I just see things differently I guess. S= till > trying though. > Larry Taylor KF6JBG If you really want such a programm, why not writing it yourself? I think = you=20 could learn a lot more about PIC's by writing this programm, than you cou= ld=20 by just answering the questions :-) But it's funny how you started with the PIC stuff. I've started with PIC'= s=20 some days ago, because I want to build my own mobile MP3-Player. And I fo= und=20 PIC's are the best for controlling the Player and stuffing Data into the=20 Decoder Chip, because they have everything you need in a small package an= d=20 are easy to programm (keyword ICSP), opposing to the other Microncontroll= ers=20 I already used. And while searching Informations on PIC's for my project I discovered a w= hole=20 lot of things I could do with them! MfG, Do.Pe. -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.