> I am in northern Ontario, . I'm very new with pic (no programming > knoledge). > I just saw a lot of info on the 16F84 and thought the 84A would suit my > purpose at the time. I need at least one 877 so I can interface a joystick > using a/d convertor. Hmm, well another poster mentioned a page that you should definitely check out. Personally I start most projects with the 877 and then downsize when I need to, the reason is the 877 has mostly everything you need, so after you finish your design you can have a look and see if downsizing is necessary. These days though the 18F series should definitely be considered as a first step, it has everything the 16F series has, just better. However, since you already are capable of programming the 16F84 (and even the 877?) I'd suggest going with the 16F628 at the moment, it is a drop in replacement for the 16F84. As for where to get your PICs I strongly suggest you check out the Canadian section of www.digikey.com, they are truly amazing with their ability to get you what you need in the shortest amount of time. TTYL -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics