I like this idea Jan. I wanted to use as small a pic as possible, which = was=20 going to be a 12F629. But that has no PWM :-( But I'm thinking of switching to a 16F84 and trying this now. Cheers, -Neil. On Wednesday 30 July 2003 18:13, Jan-Erik S=F6derholm XA (TN/PAC) scribbl= ed: > I'm currently prototyping a 18F1320 based device > that will send IR based "commands" to a number of > slave units. > > The 38Khz carrier commes from the PWM module, > just setup and let it run. The modulation is made > by toggling the PWM output pin tris bit. The PWM > module is left running all the time. Easy and very > little to code, mostly "setup". > > Since I build both sides of the connection, I'v made > a custom protocol using aprox 20 bits ("address", "command", > "value" ad so on). I will be using Manchester coding > (self-clocking) to make it easy to decode in the receiver. > > Jan-Erik. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads