Yes - that would work - but you have other problems. The transistor will be dropping (9-3.3) = 5.7V at up to 100mA. This is 0.57W & too much for a single 2N2222 (or most similar sized units). Either parallel a number of 2N2222s (at least 3) and add current sharing resistors in their emmitter circuit, or use a bigger transistor (e.g a TO220 Darlington) or use a 3 terminal reg as someone else suggested. You could use a bit of cpacitance on the input & output also . Or use a switcher such as roman blacks' simple circuit. ( Richard P as an after thought - if I put a diode between the zener and ground to raise the zener's ground reference about 0.6V, I can offset the voltage drop across the transistor to get a voltage closer to the zener's - right? -Clayton -- hint: To leave the PICList