>-----Original Message----- >From: Quentin [mailto:qsc@IPTECH.CO.ZA] >Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 3:52 AM >To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU >Subject: Re: [PIC] CAN Bus based Bootloader! > > >Look on the Microchip web site for the Microchip Application Maestro. = It >has a CAN boot loader >But I think Lyle Hazelwood found a problem with it. He is on the list, >so will prolly answer. > >Quentin First, I need to apologize to the PIC CAN group for my silence. I have been busy with Family issues and personal health issues. There have been new requests to the group that have gone unanswered (so = far) I hope to catch up with everyone soon. Re: CAN Bootloader. Ther App Note includes software written in VB that=20 No-one (To my knowledge) has been able to get running. I've been=20 talking with the author at MC and I'm really not sure if there may be an update or not. I am working on a platform-independent can bootloader that basically = uses the node that connects the PC to the CAN net to do all the grunt work. This could accept text commands and plain ASCII .hex files for = distribution. All you'll need on the PC side is any terminal program, That's the plan, anyway. I hope to resume work on it soon. Wouters comments that the boot code should be independent of the program = are well taken. I'll do that as much as possible. However, my application = will require the command to enter "Boot Mode" to be issued over the CAN bus. I won't = have physical access to the nodes being re-programmed. Once I have a working project, I plan on posting it all to some web page (possibly PICLIST.com, if available) for public ridicule. As a CAN net = starter project. More details will be posted as I get it back together. Heart attacks can = change your priorities very quickly. Lyle Hazelwood -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu