James, exactly what kind of assistance do you need? Do you have to approve every message? I think more info would help us make a decision. What does one do during that hour, exactly? --Bob At 10:21 AM 7/29/2003 -0700, you wrote: >Here are the points: > >1. We have to convert to the new list server software at MIT: Mailman. >http://mailman.mit.edu/pipermail/mailman-users/2003-April/000002.html The >transition > might be easy, or it might be a total pain the in ass. We don't know. > >2. The existing admins are all some combination of burnt out, pissed off, >busy and or trying to have a life. Trust me, its a REALLY thankless job. Not >without rewards, but as Dale says, you need to have a lot of Karma to work >off. > >- I don't do people well, so I really can't be policing the list or helping >newbies. Ask Chad. I also have enough to do with the site and moving the >archive to the new list feed. > >- Josh is buried in error messages (which the new list server is said to >reduce) and as a student I doubt he can always find time to devote to it. > >- Dale is burnt out and has a life. He is still married and has a job. Lets >not drag him down with the rest of us. > >- Herb also has a life and spends more than enough time with error messages >and helping newbies out. > >- Jory is ready for it to just go away. He has continued to find "sponsors" >for us at MIT, but that must be getting old by now. > >Which brings us to: > >We need one or two people from the list membership to devote an hour or so a >day (every damn day, day after day...) to helping with the list for a good >long time so that one of the existing admins will be freed up to do the move > >AND/OR > >one or two people (hopefully with experience on mailman list server) to help >us transfer to that new software and teach the "old" admins what we need to >know to keep it running > >AND/OR > >a very, very stable benefactor who is able to host a mailing list that >generates between 1 to 4 GB (that is Giga Bytes) of traffic daily (as in >every day). MIT is STABLE enough to handle the 200 emails times 10KB average >size times 2000 members plus another 100 error messages,etc... times 4 >admins, etc... it adds up. AND it goes on year after year. Did I mention >stable? As in no, I don't think we want to host it on your killer Linux box >via the screaming DSL connection that your Mom pays for, thanks anyway. > >... hummm I think I'm transferring Karma much too fast... > >Think hard before you speak up. Remember that you will have to work with me. > > >--- >James Newton, webhost piclist.com (former Admin #3) >jamesnewton@piclist.com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767 >PIC/PICList FAQ: http://www.piclist.com or .org > >-----Original Message----- >From: James Newton, webhost [mailto:jamesnewton@piclist.com] >Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 10:01 AM >To: jory@oqo.com; James Newton, webhost; Dale Botkin; Herbert Graf; Josh >Koffman >Subject: RE: How can I join? >Importance: Low > > >I think it would be wise to ask the membership if any of them wish to step >up and help before we just shut it down. > >I do think I need to stay out of adminning the list (at least as far as >helping new members)... I'm burned out and when ever I see that the admin >job isn't getting done and I step back in and try to help out, I seem to >flame up again. I've never been good with people anyway. > >I will focus on the archive and the site. > >Somebody else needs to take care of the error messages, newbies and >policing. It ain't Dale, and doesn't seem to be Herb or Josh, so we need new >admins. Time to ask for help. > >And we have the job of doing the transfer to mailman. It has to be someone >new. Time to ask for help. > >Unless I hear otherwise, I'm going to forward this to the list. > >--- >James Newton, webhost piclist.com (former Admin #3) >jamesnewton@piclist.com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767 >PIC/PICList FAQ: http://www.piclist.com or .org > >-----Original Message----- >From: jory@oqo.com [mailto:jory@oqo.com] >Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 7:53 PM >To: James Newton, webhost; Dale Botkin; Herbert Graf; Josh Koffman >Subject: RE: How can I join? >Importance: Low > > >hmmm. > >is there an earlier message (from mit) about the mailman changeover? i must >have missed it. > >all drama aside, maybe we should consider shutting down the list? > >how are people feeling about admin stuff, etc? > >i will continue to have essentially 0 time going forward, but can retain my >current level of sponsorship if there is a feeling in that direction. > >::jory > > >At 11:03 AM 7/23/2003, James Newton, webhost wrote: > >I had asked for someone to step up to the plate some time ago, but I >haven't > >had any bites. > > > >Its a BIG responsibility and may be as easy as sending an email asking for > >the change over, or as hard as manually rebuilding the entire membership > >list by hand.... no screw that, just add the top posters and the rest can > >subscribe on their own. Probably some explanation of differences for the > >list members will be needed. How the topics are specified, etc... > > > >I will take the time to change the archive over to the new list server. > >Right now, the archive looks for specific header items placed by MITVMA to > >make sure the messages are recorded in the actual order they were received, > >etc... Since those will no longer be there, I will have to do some work on > >the archive mailbot. And that is more than I can really afford as it is. My > >wife starts a fight with me every time she sees "PICList" on the screen. > > > > > >If not I or Jory, we are left with: > >- Dale? Who burnt out on error messages > >- Herb? Who has a life > >- Josh? Who is in school? > > > >Or we have to ask for help from the members. > > > >--- > >James Newton, webhost piclist.com (former Admin #3) > >jamesnewton@piclist.com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767 > >PIC/PICList FAQ: http://www.piclist.com or .org > > > >-----Original Message----- > >From: jory@oqo.com [mailto:jory@oqo.com] > >Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 10:36 AM > >To: PICLIST-request@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > >Subject: Re: How can I join? > > > > > >does anyone know anything about a proposed move to mailman at mit? > > > >i haven't seen anything on it, but i am pretty slammed here at work. > > > >::jory > > > > >Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 12:06:25 EDT > > >From: Art Anger > > >Subject: Re: Re: SUBJECT: RE: PLEASE SUBSCRIBE ME (fwd) > > >To: List maintainer > > >cc: Colleagues , shifty_1@charter.net > > >X-Mailer: MailBook 2002.01.493 > > >Message-Id: <030721.121024.EDT.Anger@mitvma.mit.edu> > > >MIME-Version: 1.0 > > >Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII > > >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT > > > > > >Jory-- > > > > > >[snip] > > > > > >How soon would you care to have PicList moved to our Mailman service, > > >which offers fewer obstacles to users? > > >--Art Anger, Postmaster > >-- >http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? 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