PID & Simple - talk about a contradiction in terms! After 10+ years of working with PID control I think I am just starting to truly understand it. Jen & I are very close to implementing a new algorithm for PIC18, but I would like to re-read your posting in the AM (it has been a 16 hr. day following a rush job working weekend) before commenting. With some more Q & A on your aplication, I'll bet we can help. As a scuba diver and having a few underwater projects under my belt, I can see some unique challenges in buoyancy control of an AUV. If you don't have this solved by then, I'll have a few more Q's related to the application. I believe the depth will be the most difficult since the vessel has positive buoyancy and you do not mention buoyancy control other than drive motors. Will the vertical drive maintain a modest output when the correct depth is reached? C > What we are lacking is a PID (or PI or PD or whatever) > algorithm to allow us > to dive to a fixed depth and then follow a given compass > bearing. Given the > late date we are in need of some quick, readily implementable > advice on how > to do this algorithm. We certainly have the desire to learn > the in's and > out's of control theory, but obviously do not have the time > for that now. I > am hoping some people of this list will help walk me through > implementing a > control algorithm that will meet our needs. -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.