On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 11:24:52 -0500, you wrote: >I have been working with a 14 year old whiz kid who made the mistake of >saying to me "I want to learn about C. Do you know anything about it?" >Every week or so I show up and we play electronics. It's great fun, >everybody should try it. > >Yesterday we took a PICDEM-2 (that is cheating I know) and stuck an '876 >in it and taught it to blink the LED's with CCS C. Led Blinky worked! > >He's also got PowerC on his computer, and can make it say "Helluva = World" >and so on. Yes, I would recommend the '876 as a first chip, to chime = in >on a different thread. It does anything a 16xxx PIC will do, there is >lots O' memory, etc.). Just goofing around with this stuff is what got >me started in it in the first place. > >Unfortunately he has a Windows ME machine. MPLAB 5.7x chokes when it >tries to use the com port to talk to a PICSTART programmer. I wonder if >MPLAB 6.xx will fix this? I have stuck with 5.7xx until the last dog >dies, because it has proven to be more stable on my machines. You can keep 5.7 and still use 6.x - even run them simultaneously I still use 5.7 most opf the time but need 6.2 for Picstart Plus support = for the 12F675 - I compile it under 5.7 then import the hex into 6.2 to blow the chip. I am using win98 though. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu