> I wanted to mention that costs like these are pretty easily > recoverable, > if you are getting paid to do work. The Warp-13 seems to take around > 20-30 seconds at high baud to program a 16F628. If I had > something that > halved that time, it would pay for itself fairly quickly in time saved > for the compile-run-test cycle. Wisp628 : 30 seconds write (35 with verify) But if you are after a fast compile-load-debug cycle you might be better of using a different chip, switching to the real target chip only at the last moment! For instance: Wisp628 loading the same 2k code to a 16F877A : 12 seconds write, 16 seconds with verify. An 18F will be even faster, but the architectural differences might produce more work that you gain by faster debugging. Note that the 16F628 and -A program much the same (if fact the same as a 16F877), while the 16F877 and -A are very different. Wouter van Ooijen -- ------------------------------------------- Van Ooijen Technische Informatica: www.voti.nl consultancy, development, PICmicro products -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu