thankz guys - u gave me a lotta good ideas. i've half breadboarded a test cct - will use the PIC to drive a 4N25 opto coupler so it has to be active low to fire. Tristate will simply be "off". Using a TIP4? to fire the current thru a resistor (not a LED!) at this stage :) Don't have a MOSFET on hand but this will serve to test things out. there's a 2200uF cap that will supply current. I find i have a clapped out old 12V gel battery that loses its charge real quick so that will help test what happens as voltage declines. Will let u know how it goes - this avo hopefully? Best - Debbie :) --- Wouter van Ooijen wrote: > > What should I be on the look out for & ways to > > guard against? > > How about getting the peak current from a capacitor - might be a good > idea anyway - and guarding the current from the battery to the > capacitor? Maybe use a polyfuse. > > Wouter van Ooijen - Yahoo! Mobile - Check & compose your email via SMS on your Telstra or Vodafone mobile. -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See