>=20 >=20 > pic microcontroller discussion list <> wrote on Thursday,=20 > July 10, 2003 2:42 PM: >=20 > > Right. However, the chip does reset when it is running=20 > normally (not=20 > > in la-la land), so I know the config bit is fine. And the=20 > config bit=20 > > can't change during operation, as you mentioned. >=20 > Presuming that "la-la land" isn't where you want the PIC to=20 > be, have you any idea what is making it go there? Maybe if=20 > you have, someone could suggest how that might combine with=20 > some difference between MCLR and power up to cause the=20 > symptoms you are seeing? >=20 I am using La-la land to simply mean that the PIC is somewhere that I don't understand. The basic sructure of the code is a loop that just sleeps. The PIC wakes up in response to an external interrupt. When it is in la-la land, it isn't waking up. It could be anything -- an infinite loop, or whatever. > Is the PIC voltage supply stable? Could it be dropping to an=20 > out of spec level when the PIC goes to "la-la land", eg if=20 > the PIC is driving an output high which is connected to=20 > ground when it gets confused? >=20 It goes into la-la land when it gets to a serial output (printf in CCS) statement. On this board, that isn't connected to anything, but it may be possible that there is a solder bridge between that pin and a GND signal. That could definitley drop the voltage below spec, since it is just a lithium battery. If that happened, I could see how the PIC wouldn't respond to a reset, because the voltage would still be too low. I will definitelty have to check that out. Alex=20 -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu