> The datasheet is on the left link. > The name of the pdf is "2x16el.pdf" Not the best data sheet, especially for someone who hasn't used an LCD before. But the info is in there. It looks like a standard HD44780-compatible LCD. The d/s for that is much better > 1) How easy is it to interface with it. Data bus is 4 -bit. > Is it much harder to talk to the LCD? It isn't harder or easier than 8-bit. Just needs a little more code. Once the routines are written then it's pretty trivial to write anything anywhere on the screen whether it's 4 or 8 bits. A 4-bit i/f uses fewer port lines, but data has to be written in two 4-bit chunks, so transfer takes longer. An 8-bit i/f obviously uses more port lines but data can be displayed faster. Although typically data will go from PIC to screen in < 100us even in 4-bit mode. The data buss can be used with shift registers or latches so you could multi-task the PICs port pins or use less of them, but a plain wiring would need 11 pins for 8-bit i/f and 7 for 4-bit > 2) Do I really need an EL inverter to make it function. No -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu