--- Matt Ancona wrote: > Thanks to all that replied to my post so far. > I've noticed a couple of things. 1) No one > mentioned Ivex or EWB. Why? About a year ago I called to order Multisim and Multiroute because the price was right and the products looked good; it was a bit of an impulse decision but I wanted to make the move from perfboard to PCB and it seemed like the right time. Anyway, their automated phone system promised that someone would get back to me within 3 hours. They finally called me a week and a half later, and by that point I'd built the things I needed on perfboard and they worked well enough that I didn't need PCBs. These days, I use Tango and I'm thinking of making the move to AutoTraxEDA. 3) No one has seemed to address the library > problem. Everyone needs schematic symbols, PCB > footprints, and some need spice models. Yet all of > these programs have their own libraries. Why isn't > there a standard format that manufactures of > components can use to build symbols and data files > for their parts? Why isn't there (unless there is > and I don't know of it) a professional association > pushing for such standards? Well, there is EDIF, which has support for schematics, netlists, PCBs, etc but I've mostly seen it in digital design packages (I'm _pretty_ sure it describes analog circuits as well). There's also been some development in this area by using XML to define cross platform libraries: http://www.spincircuit.com/press_release/press_XMLSymbols.html Right now it looks like you need a translator to translate between the XML and whatever package you're using, but hey, it's a start! As far as organizations working on the problem, check out http://www.si2.org/... looks like they're working on a cross platform system. - T.C. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month! http://sbc.yahoo.com -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu