I was thinking along the lines of my (?) idea of gluing a Am241 source on a DRAM and using it in a suitably programmed computer as a source of entropy. I actually got a Am241 source (smoke detector). While thinking I was trying to picture how I would visualise the faults in the ram banks and I inevitably came to the ccd or cmos camera idea. Almost everyone has these, and I have several. So I thought why not put the source on the ccd front glass and cap the lens. And then I thought - why use the Am241 at all when the ccd and its preamplifier produce high bandwidth white noise just like a noise zener and I already have a digitizer etc in the computer, in the form of a video capture device ? The radioactive source would likely increase the noise and make it more random (maybe). So I think that all that is needed to make good noise on a computer, as in entropy source for /dev/rnd and key generation and such, is a camera with the lens capped and some data filtering etc to make sure that most of the noise is not mains hash harmonics and sampling artifacts. I did some preliminary (crude) analysis on sampled frame data and it seems to work right. There are a few device-specific components that must be removed and the noise is good as is, but it should be used as a seed in a good quality random number generator imho and analyzed by someone much better than me I think. I used a fft to look at patterns (need to use a 2d fft really to look for spatial correlated noise from the pickup grid) and chi^2 analysis using a public domain program. Looks good so far. The fft of a white noise data sample is flat 'grass' as you know. Most of it should come come from the preamplifier, not from the ccd (capped lens = maximum agc). A similar technique could be used to generate high bandwidth noise from a certified noise diode by connecting it into the input circuits of a video camera instead of the original ccd/preamp. It can also work with a non-ccd camera, such as an old clunker vidicon camera, even if the vidicon is damaged, as it is not needed. Terminating the target input with a noisy old 1Meg resistor should help. All that is really needed is a circuit that generates synchro signals such that the video capture card or digitizer in the computer is fooled into sampling the high bandwidth noise from the input signal. I will still try the Am241 source in this context (with the ccd and with the cmos dram). I will also try other devices put directly in proximity of the source. The source should make 3x10^4 particles (beta) per second (0.9uCi activity - says so on the box). The high bandwidth source could also be used with a PIC with a/d. Cameras are cheap so it is possible to add a simple bw surveillance camera with capped lens to your project to obtain noise for a very low cost. The ad converter would sample the video input at its own speed, or after an external rapid s&h, running asynchronously or not from the pic (perhaps with a window at pic crystal period). Readouts that are below a predefined level will be discarded (to account for black back and front porch and sync signals). Additional amplification is also possible. I assume that the video signal would be clamped to the a/d ground level. Peter -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.