Thanks for the ideas! After reading them all, I picked out what I considered the cream and now have my "debug configuration" all set up. It includes (a) an LED which periodically blinks, just to show that everything is running, (b) a row of 4 LED's, and (c) a routine which, when called with a number between 1 and 15 inclusive in the WREG will display that number in binary using the 4 LED's and then go to sleep. Pushing a button (attached to INT0) will cause an interrupt, which turns the 4 LED's off and resumes running the program. So this gives me the capability of displaying up to 15 different numbers, from anywhere in the program, with each number having a different meaning. Crude, to be sure, but should be effective. So thanks again for all the good ideas. Oh, and I also got the corner grocery to let me put a jar on the counter, with a message saying: "Help John get the ICD he so desperately needs!" I seeded it with some change and a couple of bills, so who knows what may come of that? :-) John -- hint: To leave the PICList