On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 11:03:48AM -0400, Herbert Graf wrote: > > > I'm doing a design in which I am using a Cypress SL811HS as an embedded > > > host driven by an '877, > > > > Why not 18F452, especially since you're not sure exactly what you might > > encounter along the way? Twice the program memory, twice the speed, and > > four times the RAM at the same price (actually lower in large quantities) > > might come in handy. I can't think of too many reasons for using a 16F877 > > in a new design right now. > > Does anyone know if the TAIT serial programmer support the 18F series at > all? Sure! The hardware interface is exactly the same for High Voltage Programming. For LVP the LVP pin has moved from RB3 to RB5. That's all. It's strictly a software issue at every level. The instruction set is augmented, the architecture is a bit different (and better IMHO), and the programming algorithm is modified. But the hardware is exactly the same. > Is it just a change in programming algorithms Yes. > or do "new things" have > to happen? Other than the LVP issue above, not that I'm aware of. > I'm still using the 16F877 as primary "starting PIC" and I think > I might try going to the 18F line if it doesn't require a huge investment in > programmers. Thanks, TTYL Good idea. It's better than the 16F series at a similar price. I ordered my samples for the 18F452 and 18F1320 yesterday in order to update the software on my picprg2.3 programming software. BAJ -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads