>I'm cofude also. In dive training, and in all the related pubs on the >subject I could find, it's commonly stated that sound travels much more >efficiently and for longer distances in H2O...Why do you say that the >effective distance would be reduced in a sonar ap? Also, the sonar buoys >we used to make had small amounts of drive for the transmitters and not >much amp gain for the receivers. They recorded sounds from many miles >away.. Sonar buoys and sonobuoys are different afaik. I do not know what you worked with. Recording (presumably wideband) sounds from miles away and pinging miles away is different. Noises coming from a ship or marine animal are not 'quiet'. Probably several watts continous at least, even for small ones. A sonar will send out a pulse and receive it, and determine distance, bearing, depth etc from the echo return time. A barrier type device or a communications device (or listening device) uses only the direct path. In a direct path the inverse square law applies for distance, in a sonar application the radar equation applies instead. The range of a sonar/radar device relates to the straight path communication distance using the same technology as in Dsonar = R * sqrt(Dstraight) where R is usually less than 1 and is the reflectance of the target (it is >1 when the target functions as a concave reflector or catadiopter - catadicustor ?). This equation reflects the ratio between the inverse square law and the radar equation. My figures (20 meters straight, 3-4 meters sonar) were for still air using Murata etc 40kHz transducers with 12Vpkpk square wave drive and 'average' amplifiers etc (i.e. no special filters, no special processing, no noise in band from external sources). In water you could probably reach farther than that with the same technology (meaning the same transducers!), maybe 2-3 times farther. 2-3 times farther means 2^2-3^2 less path attenuation for a sonar application. Much better range could be achieved using an acoustical lens or reflector optics, both in air and in water. The transducers we are talking about here were designed for us remote control in house environment and for alarms in closed spaces like cars, and closed rooms. Their power specs reflect this. They were not designed for use as sonars. Notice the popular Polaroid acoustical sonar modules use a much larger transducer (more gain) and more power. I also think that the grid structure in its aperture works as a lens and the transducer diameter relates in some clever way to the operating wavelength in air. There is a man in Portugal or Spain I think who built a ultrasound imaging device using a single sensor that is scanned using motors. There is a webpage with images. I do not have the url. Peter -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.