Seem highly capable & value for $ 64 KBytes Flash, 4K linear (hooray!) RAM, free ANSI C, $US49 development system includes ANSI C, C source level debugger. Unlimited breakpoints with on chip 1 wire interface. Documentation Australia / NZ Polykom oz $AU92 for kit $AU18.94 1-?10 $AU14.56/30 $AU12.38/100 64KByte Flash, 4K RAM, 2 x 9 bit UARTS with IRDA, 12 x 10 bit A2D, SPI I2C, DMA, 4 x 16 bit timers * each with PWM - around $US5 in 5K volume. Shame its made by Zilog :-( * - the ghost of the Z80 is very evident here. Device Memory Core Speed (MHz) I/O Lines Interrupts 16-Bit timers PWMs 10-Bit A/D Channels DMA Controller UARTs Operating Voltage Pin Count Flash (Bytes) RAM (Bytes) part / Flash / RAM / MHz / IO / IRQ / Timers / PWM / 10b A2D / DMA / UARTs / Vdd / Pins, pins/ Z8F6401 64K 4K 20 31 23 3 3 8 yes 2 3.0V to 3.6V 40,44 Z8F6402 64K 4K 20 46 24 4 4 12 yes 2 3.0V to 3.6V 64,68 Z8F6403 64K 4K 20 60 24 4 4 12 yes 2 3.0V to 3.6V 80 Z8F4801 48K 4K 20 31 23 3 3 8 yes 2 3.0V to 3.6V 40,44 Z8F4802 48K 4K 20 46 24 4 4 12 yes 2 3.0V to 3.6V 64,68 Z8F4803 48K 4K 20 60 24 4 4 12 yes 2 3.0V to 3.6V 80 Z8F3201 32K 2K 20 31 23 3 3 8 yes 2 3.0V to 3.6V 40,44 Z8F3202 32K 2K 20 46 24 4 4 12 yes 2 3.0V to 3.6V 64,68 Z8F2401 24K 2K 20 31 23 3 3 8 yes 2 3.0V to 3.6V 40,44 Z8F2402 24K 2K 20 46 24 4 4 12 yes 2 3.0V to 3.6V 64,68 Z8F1601 16K 2K 20 31 23 3 3 8 yes 2 3.0V to 3.6V 40,44 Z8F1602 16K 2K 20 46 24 4 4 12 yes 2 3.0V to 3.6V 64,68 4KB and 8KB devices and kit will be available to sample 6/2/03. -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body