In spite of occasional diversions, such as underwater navigation, I am still keeping my eye on the ball and attempting to move right along with mastering the PIC mystic. The current project is to figure out how to do UART stuff (trying to master PIC stuff apparently means going down what seems to be an infinite number of branches off the main trunk). Along this line, I got a file which goes by the name of PICUART.ASM, written by one Thomas McGahee. It is a good, informative program on learning how to use the UART feature, with many, many comments. I find it extremely useful. However, it does not do a one-to-one mapping to the 18F452 chip (it is written for the 16C74A), which is no big problem. A few assembly errors, easily fixed. But it does raise one interesting question. He emphasizes -- strongly -- that the two i/o pins for uart use (RC7 receive, RC6 transmit) must both be set to 1 (for input). His exact words, possibly paraphrased but not with evil intent, are: "rc7 input, rc6, actually an output but MUST be programmed as input." Well, this is all well and good, and I bow to experience, except that the 18F452 datasheet, which I have a certain amount of trust in, says (page 165) that rc7 must be input (1) and rc6 must be set to output (0). Anyone know which is correct?? John -- hint: To leave the PICList